
December 2024

One of the significant ways God honors us is by giving us the freedom to choose.

Of course, it all started in the garden when God gave Adam one simple rule, and that didn’t go so well, we’re living in the shadow of that poor decision to this day. (Which is another testimony to the fact that we’re part of a story that began before the dawn of time and is playing out in our lives today. Individually. Specifically.)

Eldredge reminds us that “God in His mercy gives us dozens of encounters every day, opportunities to be honest about what motivates us. What we do with them is up to us. When God created each of us, he gave us a will, and that beautiful and mysterious inner life we call the soul.”

These simple moments may not be what you think. For the most part they aren’t ‘big moral issues’ but instead, they are the small choices of everyday life. At the moment, they could even be called ‘insignificant’, certainly not earth shattering or life changing, but in reality (God’s moral economy) viewed in their entirety over the years, they are filled with significance. This is because they are creating a pattern of either recognizing Gods voice or ignoring it.

Eldredge goes on to say . . . “When I choose to avoid whatever it is God has brought up, something in me weakens. Something feels compromised. It is at least a refusal to mature. But it also feels like a refusal to step toward God. Thankfully, the opposite is true. When I choose to face the uncertain, admit the neglect, or enter into my fears, something in me grows up a little bit. I feel strengthened. The scales tip toward a closer walk with God.”

So, this begs a number of questions such as How do I recognize these significant opportunities? Are they really that important? Do they affect my family and my work?

My friend Gary Friesen wrote at pretty large book called ‘Decision Making and the Will of God’, and we don’t have the time or space to dive into it here, but suffice it to say, that how we develop the ‘gift of choosing’ has tremendous significance.

For this discussion, I want to suggest 2 key elements to consider.

  1. Recognize that God has invited us to become ‘followers of Jesus’, not just believers. Believers are religious. Their faith is static and doesn’t involve a real, daily relationship.
    Followers on the other hand are purposely walking with Jesus.
    This requires an intentional decision to go deeper into what we’ve been called to. A relationship with Jesus (or anyone for that matter) is never static.
  1. Cultivate the art/skill of listening for Gods ‘Still small voice’. 1 Kings 19:11-12. This requires that we set the stage daily for whatever it is God might quietly say to us or show us.
    We have to slow down, quiet down and engage Him without the drama of life banging on our heart and mind. Where might that ‘space’ be for you?
    This is how we ‘settle ourselves’ before God and create a willingness and ability “to hear whatever it is He wants to say.”
    This happens spontaneously throughout our day. You never really know who or what or how the Spirit of God is going to try to get your attention.

So be ready. You’ll be surprised.