Redeeming The Day
May 2024
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in you. (Psalm 143:8–9)
Scripture reminds us that creation declares the glory of God, and it ‘groans’ and ‘waits eagerly’ for the day when Jesus will return and make ‘all things new’ in the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm. But God is still at work and wants us to notice the steady and powerful work He’s doing daily,
This is critical because noticing Gods involvement daily is important for our soul. Intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, noticing refreshes, encourages, and strengthens us.
David asks that the morning would bring him ‘word’ of Gods unfailing love, His gracious revelation of the ‘way we should go’, and the fact that there is a battle that will have to be fought in order to make it through the day/week/season.
The idea of redeeming something means to restore it, or save it, or to buy it back. In the case of ‘redeeming the day’ we’re restoring it or saving it from the confusion and chaos that the enemy brings to it. Satan is the prince of this world for a short time and he will fight hard to keep us committed to the things of the world first and have Jesus somewhere down the page in our list of things to do.
These verses remind us that we are to be about ‘redeeming the day’. Spending time in the morning reading the word and talking with the Lord gives us a better and more powerful perspective and a strategic advantage over the enemy who wants to flood us with the concerns of the day as soon as our feet hit the floor. I have found few people (though I’m sure they’re out there) that can jump into the routine responsibilities of the day and then slow down and disengage enough to set aside an hour to hang out with Jesus. For me the morning works best to set my heart and mind on the word and engage with the Lord.
Redeem the Day!