The Three R’S

The Three R'sJuly 2022 When I was a student in Jr High and High School, I remember hearing that the foundation for a solid education was the Three R’s – Reading, ‘Riting’, and ‘Rithmatic’. Obviously meaning the ability to read, the ability to write, and the...

The Challenge of Balance, Character and Alignment

The Challenge of Balance, Character and AlignmentJune 2022 We’ve all heard stories of how critical it is to have alignment among various moving parts in order to achieve success. What comes to my mind is Apollo 13. The crew only had a small window in the...

Corporate Culture

Corporate CultureMay 2022 What one word or phrase best defines the ‘culture’ of your company? Oh, and yes, you do have a ‘corporate culture’ whether your company is 1 person or 200 people. So first, let’s clarify that having a Corporate Culture isn’t innately bad. In...

Full Dimensional Leadership

Full Dimensional LeadershipApril 2022 Leading in and through every dimension of our being. Thousands of books have been written on the subject of leadership.  But I find it interesting that we still have lots of questions as to exactly how to do it.   You would think...

Leading in Times of Adversity

Leading in Times of AdversityMarch 2022 A discussion of the art of Leading through Adversity No one needs to tell us that we are living in times of adversity. Globally, nationally and locally we’re seeing adversity impact people at all ages and in all walks of life....