Engage in your Strengths / Delegate your ‘Weaknesses’!

Engage in your Strengths / Delegate your ‘Weaknesses’!April 2024 ENGAGING MY STRENGTHS It seems that I spend a tremendous amount of time engaging my non-strengths in one way or another. We’re each gifted by God with a certain combination of things that we could call...

Striving and Indulging

Striving and IndulgingMarch 2024 Last week I met a gentleman that was doing some work for us, and I knew he had a large piece of equipment to move in and set up. I asked him if he’d like me to help him get it out of his truck and set it up. He looked at me for a...

Becoming Technicians

Becoming TechniciansFebruary 2024 I love the technicians in my life. The people that I can turn to for help and insight regarding that ‘stuff’ that makes things work down deep inside. Software techs, IT techs, Mechanical techs, Media techs, Computer techs,...

The Ripple Effect of Good Goal Setting

The Ripple Effect of Good Goal SettingJanuary 2024 Let’s say you step into January intent on at least revisiting your goals and objectives to see how well aligned they are with your mission and vision, or let’s say someone asks you what you’re doing to review your...


DebriefingDecember 2023 Yesterday, the Lead Team for Men’s Ministry at our church had its December meeting and most of the discussion centered around ‘Debriefing’ the last quarter of events and practices. So, what exactly is ‘debriefing” anyway? When looking it up, a...